You don’t have to leave outdoor containers looking sad and empty. Nor do you have to put them in storage until spring. Your dormant landscape might need a pick-me-up for the winter, and that’s where those containers come in handy. If you choose a colorful container, that alone can add a pop of color. Use it to add some interest to your porch or stoop. Follow the same guidelines (thriller, filler, spiller) that you would in summer to combine materials.…

In the past, holiday lighting could be a complicated, even dangerous undertaking. But improved technology has made lighting up your landscape and home for the holidays safer and more energy-efficient. LED lights use a fraction of the energy that traditional incandescent bulbs use, and they often last 30 times as long, according to the US Energy Information Administration. They don’t get hot like incandescent bulbs either, which lowers the fire hazard. Check your lighting at home to see if the…

As the seasons change in Colorado we see drastic changes in colors outdoor, including our own gardens landscapes. What was green and even lush mere months ago is now brown and yellow with occassional pops of green thanks to evergreens. One of the questions posed often to Camelot Design this time of year is how to keep the landscape looking beautiful despite cold, less light, and harsh winter conditions. I like to incorporate trees, shrubs, and groundcovers that can withstand…

According to some predictions, Colorado could see a colder, snowier winter this season than we’ve seen previously. The Front Range got a sneak preview with a snow storm just before Halloween, and much of the state saw frigid temperatures. The storm this week was an early reminder to have a plan in place to keep your sidewalks and driveways safe. Here are some snow shoveling basics: Shovel your sidewalk after it snows. It’s the right thing to do, and in…

The growing season is definitely winding down, and it’s time to take care of fall landscape chores. Hopefully you winterized your irrigation system or got your sprinkler blowout done ahead of our big storm on Thursday. Now let’s think about getting our trees ready for winter. Prune shade trees so they will be better prepared to handle wind and snow. If there are dead or damaged branches from yesterday’s (or even last year’s) storms that have not been pruned, they…

Fall has just begun and now it’s time to think about putting our landscape and plants to bed for fall and winter. It’s a good time to give plants a little extra TLC that will pay off in a healthier and nicer landscape next spring. September and early October are critical times for plant care and moisture. Even with the nights cooling off—maybe you’re looking ahead and shutting down our sprinklers to avoid damage from an early freeze—you should keep…

It’s time to give your landscape some TLC before winter! Even with the grass slowing down and temperatures cooling, you still need to give your landscape a little TLC to keep it healthy as we head toward its winter “hibernation.” Follow a few steps to build a hardier lawn for the winter that will return to its full green glory next spring. Apply a final application of fertilizer. Using the same fertilizer formulation you used earlier this season is fine.…

One spark can send a dry tree up in smoke in a matter of seconds and spread fire quickly throughout the home. Watch this video to see how quickly this happens. Christmas tree fires can turn devastating and deadly within seconds. Here are 5 care tips for your fresh trees: Select a tree stand that holds at least 1 gallon of water. Immediately before placing the tree in the stand, cut off a few inches of the base so the…

Aliquam pellentesque tincidunt turpis, in consectetur purus congue sit amet. Donec a nulla mi. Quisque tincidunt arcu eu varius vestibulum. Phasellus sem urna, efficitur non ex vitae, vestibulum tincidunt dolor. Mauris volutpat mauris velit, eget malesuada ligula tempor malesuada.

Nam id vestibulum sapien. Morbi rhoncus sem ut pharetra pretium. Proin ac tempor arcu, porta ornare sem. Phasellus convallis felis sed purus tristique, id commodo turpis varius. Donec cursus velit ut orci rutrum, in dictum purus imperdiet. Nunc nec placerat ex. Aenean imperdiet felis sed sem laoreet, eget consectetur sem accumsan. Quisque justo enim, tincidunt vitae accumsan nec, blandit nec erat.

Quisque tincidunt arcu eu varius vestibulum.

Duis faucibus eleifend sem, ut imperdiet mauris semper eget. Phascellus at neque venenatis, volutpat mi ut, bibendum elit.

  •  Aenean imperdiet felis sed sem laoreet, eget consectetur sem accumsan.
  • Phasellus sem urna, efficitur non ex vitae, vestibulum tincidunt dolor.
  • Phasellus at neque venenatis, volutpat mi ut.
  •  Mauris volutpat mauris velit, eget malesuada ligula tempor malesuada.

Aliquam pellentesque tincidunt turpis, in consectetur purus congue sit amet. Donec a nulla mi. Quisque tincidunt arcu eu varius vestibulum. Phasellus sem urna, efficitur non ex vitae, vestibulum tincidunt dolor. Mauris volutpat mauris velit, eget malesuada ligula tempor malesuada.

Nam id vestibulum sapien. Morbi rhoncus sem ut pharetra pretium. Proin ac tempor arcu, porta ornare sem. Phasellus convallis felis sed purus tristique, id commodo turpis varius. Donec cursus velit ut orci rutrum.

Aliquam pellentesque tincidunt turpis, in consectetur purus congue sit amet. Donec a nulla mi. Quisque tincidunt arcu eu varius vestibulum. Phasellus sem urna, efficitur non ex vitae, vestibulum tincidunt dolor. Mauris volutpat mauris velit, eget malesuada ligula tempor malesuada.

Duis faucibus eleifend sem
  • Duis faucibus eleifend sem, ut imperdiet mauris semper eget. Phascellus at neque venenatis, volutpat mi ut, bibendum eliteget consectetur sem accumsaneget malesuada ligula tempor malesuada.
  •  Aenean imperdiet felis sed sem laoreet, eget consectetur sem accumsan.
  • Phasellus sem urna, efficitur non ex vitae, vestibulum tincidunt dolor.
  • Phasellus at neque venenatis, volutpat mi ut. Eget malesuada ligula tempor malesuada

Aliquam pellentesque tincidunt turpis, in consectetur purus congue sit amet. Donec a nulla mi. Quisque tincidunt arcu eu varius vestibulum. Phasellus sem urna, efficitur non ex vitae, vestibulum tincidunt dolor. Mauris volutpat mauris velit, eget malesuada ligula tempor malesuada.